On December 23, 2024, the Court approved the disclosure statement in support of the fifth amended plan (“Disclosure Statement”) filed by the Committee and the Debtor. The Disclosure Statement describes how the fifth amended plan (“Fifth Amended Plan”) addresses survivors’ claims. It may be found attached as Exhibit 1 to the Court’s Order approving the Disclosure Statement here. Exhibit 6 attached to that Court Order is also an Executive Summary for Survivors that distills much of the information contained in the Fifth Amended Plan. Now that the Disclosure Statement has been approved, survivors will have the opportunity to vote on the Fifth Amended Plan.
Under the Disclosure Statement approval order, the Debtor is required to serve voting solicitation packages to survivors or their counsel (if represented) by December 30, 2024. The voting solicitation packages will include survivor ballots, instructions for how to cast a ballot, and the Fifth Amended Plan documents. The deadline for survivors to cast their ballot on the Fifth Amended Plan is February 28, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. ET.
If you have questions regarding the ballot, did not receive a return envelope with your ballot, did not receive an electronic copy of the disclosure statement and the plan, or need physical copies of the ballot or other enclosed materials, please contact the Diocese’s solicitation agent, Stretto, by email at teamsyracusediocese@stretto.com or by calling 855.347.3773 and requesting to speak to a member of the solicitation team.
The Court will consider whether to confirm (approve) the Fifth Amended Plan at a hearing beginning on April 28, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. ET.