Category Archives: Case Updates

Message from the Survivors’ Committee

Dear Survivors, those supporting Survivors, and others interested in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse bankruptcy case:

On behalf of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the “Survivors’ Committee”), welcome to the Syracuse Survivors’ webpage. We, the Survivors Committee, were appointed by the US Trustee’s Office to advocate on behalf of all Survivors of abuse within the Diocese of Syracuse.  The Survivors Committee is made up of seven Survivors of abuse related to this Diocese, whom represent a diversity of ages and genders. As Survivors ourselves, we understand the pain and trauma that other Survivors may be experiencing during this bankruptcy case. We understand that each Survivors’ journey is unique, and we empathize with each one of you as we navigate and process the trauma we have all experienced. Whether you are just beginning that journey or have been on it for many years, we are with you.   We have designed this website to help with the questions you may have about the bankruptcy case.

This website provides the following information regarding the bankruptcy case of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse: 

  • Overview of the bankruptcy process
  • Diocesan Bankruptcy frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  • News feed detailing case events and the Survivors’ Committee’s activities
  • Mental health resources for Survivors

The website will be regularly updated over the course of the case. The Survivors’ Committee hopes Survivors find this information useful, and encourage any Survivors with questions to contact their personal attorneys or the Survivors’ Committee’s bankruptcy counsel, Stinson LLP. To contact Stinson LLP, you may email

Disclosure Statement Hearing is set for November 7, 2024

On November 7, 2024, the Committee and the Debtor will seek Court approval of the new disclosure statement, ballot forms, and solicitation and voting procedures. Once those are approved by the Court, survivors entitled to vote will have an opportunity to vote on the fourth amended plan. This page will be updated when the deadlines for voting on the fourth amended plan is set by the Court.

Fourth Amended Plan and Supporting Disclosure Statement Filed on September 13, 2024

Following the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma L. P., 603 U.S.—,144 S. Ct. 2071 (2024), the Committee and Debtor filed the fourth amended plan and supporting disclosure statement on September 13, 2024. The plan was amended consistent with the Supreme Court’s decision that non-consensual third-party releases in a plan are not permitted under the Bankruptcy Code. Because of this development, the fourth amended plan will be distributed to survivors for another vote, after the new disclosure statement, ballot forms, and solicitation and voting procedures are approved by the Court.

Monetary Settlement Reached in Diocese of Syracuse Bankruptcy Case: Church Entities to Pay Survivors of Abuse $100 Million

Syracuse, New York – The Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors announce today that they have reached a settlement agreement in the chapter 11 case filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Northern District of New York on June 19, 2020.  The Diocese and the Committee believe that this settlement is an important first step in forming a chapter 11 plan that will lead to the Diocese’s exit from chapter 11.

The settlement will provide payment in the amount of $100 million dollars to all survivors of sexual abuse for acts perpetrated against them by clergy, religious, lay employees, and volunteers. Although the settlement amount remains subject to a creditor vote and court approval, the dollar figure of the settlement has been accepted by the Official Committee.  The Committee is comprised entirely of individuals who themselves survived sexual abuse when they were children by clergy members and employees within the Diocese of Syracuse.

Agreement on a monetary settlement marks a very significant achievement in the case, but important issues remain.  The Diocese and the Committee are continuing to discuss the details of child protection protocols that will enhance measures already in place to protect young parishioners, students, and other vulnerable individuals within the Diocese.  The discussions on child protection have been productive, collaborative, and extensive and Bishop Lucia has been personally engaged throughout the process. The Diocese and the Committee will soon be in a position to announce an agreement on these enhanced measures that will further strengthen the safe environment program in the Diocese of Syracuse.

“I can tell you as shocking as the settlement amount may seem to leaders of our own parishes and other Catholic entities, more appalling and heart-rending to me is the pain and mistreatment experienced by the survivors of Child and Adult Sexual Abuse at the hands of those they thought they could trust, writes Bishop Douglas J. Lucia in his Letter to the Faithful also issued today.   “As the present leader of the Church of Syracuse, I cannot apologize enough for the abuse which happened or for any neglect in dealing with it.  This is why the final settlement will include commitments meant to strengthen our safe environment protocols to further ensure the past does not repeat itself.”

“This settlement is a significant step forward in the healing process for over 400 victims in this case,” according to Dr. Kevin Braney, Denver CO, who serves as Chair of the Official Committee. “I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my fellow survivors and their families, for their endurance as they have patiently awaited this news.  The Committee looks forward to our continued collaboration with Bishop Lucia and his leadership team as we work to settle with the Diocese’s insurers and enhance the Dioceses child protection protocols.”  

This settlement between the Committee and the Diocese, parishes, and other entities affiliated with the Diocese does not include a contribution from any of the six insurance companies that provided coverage to the Diocese.  The Diocese and the Committee will continue to work in earnest to negotiate with the insurance carriers who are involved in this case with the goal of achieving a global settlement.  In Diocesan bankruptcy cases, it is typical for Church insurers to contribute the majority of the global settlement amount paid to survivors of abuse.

This announcement is jointly released by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors. 

Contact person for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors: Edwin H. Caldie, Esq. at Stinson L.L.P. at (612) 335-1404

Contact person for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse: Danielle E. Cummings (315) 470-1476